These bookends, inspired by the timeless novel by Antoine Saint-Exupery and titled "Le Petit Prince," are a wonderful addition to any creative space or library. Once you have books that require bookends, you don't give them much thought until you actually need them. The more discerning clientele, on the other hand, might go for something that is purely decorative, something that gives the home more personality and reflects the tastes of the purchaser. Take a look at this stunning bookend that is absolutely necessary for your collection. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.� The Little Prince was published in 1943 and remains to this day the most famous work of St Exup�ry. From fairy tales to philosophical narratives, the Little Prince offers different levels of reading and wants to be accessible to all.
This tale invites readers to bring their child's soul back to the fore.
Size: 5.9 x 5.31 x 3.54
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SKU: 3453131156059
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